What Do I Bring?

You will only need essential items, such as:

  • Sleepwear
  • Slippers
  • Toiletries
  • Any equipment used in your care (i.e., crutches, prosthetics, C-pap machine, hearing aids, eyeglasses, etc.)
  • Medication
  • You may want to bring some books / magazines to read during your stay
  • A notebook and pen to keep a record of any questions you may have, keep note of information you have been given or a record of any follow up appointments you need to attend
  • Private insurance or medical card details

Please do not bring:
- Large sums of money
- Jewellery - If you are admitted without advance preparation, ask family members or friends to take your jewellery home
- Other valuables - For safety reasons, electronics, laptops, iPods and iPads should not be kept in your possession while in the Hospital.