Programmes and Exhibitions
'Perspectives of Ireland' - Photographic Exhibition

Exhibition Runs - from 5th October 2015 to 4th Feb 2016
Hospital Street, Tallaght Hospital.
A wonderful eclectic series of fine art carbon prints depicting Ireland through the lens of photographic artist Dominique Beyens. Perspectives of Ireland.pdf (size 577 KB)
After successful run in RUA RED Arts Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (see below)
'Lying in Wait' - Paintings and Drawings by patients of Tallaght Hospital
'The Waiting Room' - Video & Photographic Installation by Visual Artist Deirdre Glenfield

Click to view 'The Waiting Room - Video'
Lying in Wait was an artist in residence project with adult patients in Tallaght Hospital led by artist Deirdre Glenfiled - supported by the National Centre for Arts and Health (NCAH). Futher information on the study may be seen by visiting
Lying in Wait Statement.pdf (size 650.4 KB) | Exhibition Statement
The Waiting Room Artist Statement.pdf (size 363.1 KB) Exhibition Statement
Exhibitions 'Lying in Wait' and 'The Waiting Room' are available to view in the Cafe Area, in RUA RED Arts Centre from 8th March to 21st April 2015.
This exhibition is a selection of artworks produced by patients at Tallaght Hospital over the last six months. The works represent a valuable, positive andcreative engagement in contrast to the sometimes adverse encounters experienced in the healthcare environment.
These artworks are exhibited in conjunction with an original video artwork entitled 'The Waiting Room' by Artist Deirdre Glenfield. This artwork explores the tensions experienced by patients in the waiting room when faced with life changing health implications.
For more information contact Rua Red Arts Centre 01 451 5860/ OR Alison Baker 01 414 2076/ or the artist
There are weekly music performances in the atrium and on wards by resident musicians . The music programme is funded by the Volunteer Coffee Shop in the hospital. The music includes:
- Astra String Quartet
- Harp Duo . For a sample of music by resident harp duo Teresa and Mary O'Donnell. clickhere
- DEIS traditional music programme. This project is currently underway, funded by the Arts Council DEIS programme. Mairead O'Donnell is traditional musician in residence, performing in the atrium, on wards and at the bedside, bringing her particular expertise in this area to our music in hospital programme. Read report on traditional music here.
- Music Composition by Ian Wilson for patients with Dementia and the Irish Chamber Orchestra
- Creativity and Wellness Group- These are a number of community arts and health initiatives undertaken by the centre. For example in September 2012 we run creative writing workshops for people with chronic pain and people with arthrits.The art sessions were held in community arts facilities.
- Participatory arts programme
In addition to the regular art live music programme for patients, there are 20 weekly art sessions for patients across the hospital. These are both groups and 1:1 bedside art sessions.These take part in the following areas:
Art in The National Children's Hospital- There is an active arts programme in the Children's Depatment where sessions range as follows:

1. Create -while -U -Wait- These workshops take place in the out patient and Accident and Emergency department waiting areas and are run by professional artists who volunteer their time. Activities include creating pictures, making masks, puppets etc.To see a session click - creatingpuppets.
2. In-patient Arts Sessions: Art sessions are available to children admitted in the hospital. The workshops are held either in groups in the play room or individual sessions are facilitated at the bedside for restricted patients.
3. Art Therapy sessions: A form of psychotherapy in which art materials are used for self-expression and reflection in the presence of a professionally trained art therapist. For a leaflet click here
Gallery 1of art sessions in the Children's Department

Current Exhibition:
“United in Colour Art Exhibition”
by Headway Clients
January 2013 - May 2013
Headway aims to bring about positive change in the lives of those affected by Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). We are a not for profit organisation which was originally founded in 1985. Initially it was established as a support group for family members and professional to address the needs of the people with an ABI and their carer’s.
Over the last 27 years the service has expanded and now provides a range of community based services; including psychological, day rehabilitation, training services, information and support and community integration. We also aim to increase public awareness of ABI and also the impact not just on the individual but also the family members and carer’s. We have services in Dublin, Cork, Kerry and the South East. For more information on our services, check out our website at or 1890 200278.
This exhibition is the work of our participants in our day service programme in Clontarf, Donnybrook and Lucan. Through participation in art classes members of the group find an outlet for self expression, increased self confidence, creativity, improved motor skills, attention, concentration, social interaction, memory, reminiscence.

“I like art because it passes the time and helps you concentrate. I feel good because I like to do art and it helps me…I can’t get the words out…it helps me communicate. It helps me out a bit”.Here are some quotes from our participants
“It lets you express yourself. You’ve something to say to people and you can’t get it out. You come in and get it out in the colours. You express yourself non -verbally. You can tell a lot about a person and they way they’re feeling from what they’re painting and what they’re interested in.”
Past Exhibitions

HOPE -September 2012 - January 2013
This exhibition features original artwork by staff members of Tallaght Hospital and Trinity College- Tallaght Hospital Campus.
An open call was made for artwork by staff at this hospital. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hope’. The artwork, photography and poetry of thirteen staff members are featured in this exhibition which continues along Hospital Street.
This exhibition celebrates the hidden talents and creativity of our staff. It emphasises the hope we all need during these recessionary times and in times of ill health.
"Colourful Perspectives of Hospital Life"

This is an exhibition of art work by people who have experienced
hospital life either from a patient's view or/and an artist's view.
Exhibition run from April 2012 - September 2012.
The exhibition is along the Hospital Main Corridor.
About the artists click here
Hugh McCarthy----------"An exhibition of paintings"
Along Hospital St,AMNCH Tallaght,
From 5th November to 4th February 2012
Hugh McCarty a Dublin born artist, has exhibited extensively over the past ten years in Ireland, Uk and Spain, and is the recipient of numerous awards with solo exhibitions in the Stone Gallery, Monster Truck Gallery, Hillsboro Fine Art, Jonathon Swift gallery Dublin.
Hugh is currently working and living in Tallaght.
Hugh McCarthy’s new paintings and works on paper contain amorphous masses and geometric areas of colour that invade and leave the picture plane. These abstract compositions reference product labels, 80´s computer games, and advertisements amongst a plethora of motifs culled from the history of art, both past and present. With this booty of painted and computer-printed quotations McCarthy creates types of hybrid landscapes or tweaked dreamlands.

These New paintings engage a notion of “Organized Living” and comments on XXX commercialization and its dialogue with the surrounding wilderness. Yet there is a harmony to be found in this play of opposing parts as they fuse together to communicate McCarthy's aesthetic interests.
This unique style moves from landscape to abstraction with energetic colour, fanciful doodles and sophisticated line drawings and by juxtaposing disparate elements, such as biomorphic and mechanical forms, masculine and feminine elements; he establishes a sense of tension throughout.
These new works contain a complex array of signs, symbols, colours, and shapes, a celebration of freedom - aesthetic, commercial, formal or otherwise. His paintings represent not only the sleek image of contemporary life but also the very spirit of post-modern capitalism. Bright and artificial, the convergence is both a retailer's utopian vision and, to the critic of consumer culture, a dystopian nightmare. Hugh’s vision is celebratory and appalling in equal measure.

For further information or to purchase a painting please contact
Alternative Entertainments or call 087 962 8832.
The Exibition run until February 2012.
Friends of Breastfeeding Exhibition - An Exhibition of Photographs.
Along Hospital Street
From 1st August to 30th November 2011
These wonderful images you see here were especially commissioned by Friends of Breastfeeding in 2010 to mark World Breastfeeding Week (1st-8th August 2010) and during National Breastfeeding Week (1st-7th October 2010) were displayed in the venues around the country including, The Coombe Women’s and Infants Hospital, The Rotunda Hospital, Our Lady of Lourdes Drogheda, Midlands Regional Hospital (Port Laois), Letterkenny Women’s Centre, Mahon Point Shopping Centre Cork, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Waterford Regional Hospital.

All the mothers and babies you see in these photographs are volunteers and mothers who work tirelessly to normalise breastfeeding in Ireland and provide support options to those who choose to breastfeed.Friends of Breastfeeding would like to thank The Adelaide & Meath Hospital, incorporating the National Children’s Hospital for the opportunity to display these images.
Friends of Breastfeeding, Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7, Ph:0871624523 /Email:enquiries@friendsofbreastfeeding.ieRegistered Charity in Ireland: CHY19054
Jackie Askew

(DRIFTROOT, Plastic horse with shadow(53x39cms)-drawing)
Jackie Askew
An exhibition of paintings
Along Hospital Street
3rd May - 1st August 2011
Jackie Askew is based in Liscannor, Co. Clare and has exhibited regularly over the past twenty years, with solo exhibitions at The Mermaid Arts Centre, Dunamaise Arts Centre, The Riverbank Arts Centre and County Hall, Kilkenny. She has also been selected for a number of group exhibitions in Ireland and England. She recently won the Millcove Gallery Award and has been selected to participate in a residency in Iceland later this year. As well as private collections, her work is in the collection of Limerick City Council and Meath County Council.
Jackie Askew's recent work is a return to colour and abstraction. These small-scale oil paintings, through their layers, texture and linear elements, reference the artist's immediate environment of the beach and the objects found on it. Worn plastic, rope, pieces of half buried clothing are all visual influences. These elements are echoed through the process of painting with rope-like linear structures that are interwoven through layers of colour. She paints from a gut level " it is a physical reaching past what I have known, into unfamiliar ground. New depths of engagement with the bodily movement of painting translates into a more intuitive way of being in my body in the world. This then gives rise to unfamiliar linear structures that seem to be moving through time and space. Through the act of painting there is as much taking away as there is putting down, so that in the end there is no mark left that is not meant to be. It is a process of unravelling of fresh experience in the present moment. A balance of patient excavation with the urgency of mark making".
To purchase a painting please contact :Alternative Entertainments or call 01 452 0611 OR 0879440850
WoodTurning Exhibition
Display of Wood turned Items
Tuesday 07/06/11 to Thursday 09/06/11
Venue: Tallaght Hospital -Atrium
Every Year the WoodTurners Exhibit their beautiful work at AMNCH in conjunction with The Arts Centre. Some Items on exhibition are available for sale and all funds go towards funding The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

Permanent Exhibitions

| This exhibition celebrates the work of children and teenagers from Oak, Beech and Maple wards at the National Children’s Hospital. Children were given freedom to explore their creativity, which is central to the healing nature of art making. The question asked of each participant was simple… “What makes you special?”… What unfolded is a collection of vibrant fantasies and dreams, visual stories, reflections and interests. Each painting celebrates the uniquequalities and individuality of its creator. It is now a permanent exhibition on the ward corridors in the NCH. | 