Chest Pain Service

Contact Names/Number/Email Address

Chest Pain Service in TUH 
Tel: 01 414 2749
Sinead Teehan, Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
Rita Kinsella, Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
Linda Baxter, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

Community Chest Pain Service
Tel: 01 414 2681
Shirley Ingram, Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)

General Advice

If you are currently experiencing chest pain it would be advisable to attend your GP or Emergency Department for evaluation. 

In the Emergency Department you will be assessed by a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner. A history will be taken and an ECG and blood tests will be performed.  Following this, a treatment plan will be made for you. 

Useful links

See Heart attack, cath lab, heart foundation…

Description of Department/Service

The Chest Pain Service is a Nurse led service established to assess, diagnose, and plan appropriate care for patients who present with chest pain and possible symptoms of coronary heart disease.  The specialist nurse will expertly assess and risk stratify patients with chest pain presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) and Acute Medical Unit (AMU1), to enable those with suspected heart disease to be identified and treated, whilst those without, may be safely discharged.

 There are two elements to the chest pain service:

  1. Chest pain service in ED and AMU(1)
  2. Chest pain Outpatient Clinic

The service was established in December 2011 and has had a positive impact on patient experience times, admission avoidance and the early diagnoses of coronary heart disease. 

Accessing the service is via the Emergency Department or Acute Medical Unit (AMU1), not currently available for direct GP referral.