Tallaght University Hospital
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The Environment, Health & Safety Department is under the remit of the Quality, Safety and Risk Management division of Tallaght University Hospital.
The purpose of the department is to promote a positive health and safety culture in the hospital by:
IrelandSafedoc: http://safedoc.ie/products-search.phpHealth and Safety Authority (HSA): http://www.hsa.ie/engRadiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII): http://www.epa.ie/#&panel1-2National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO): http://niso.ieIrish Society Chartered Physiotherapists: http://www.iscp.ieNational Disability Authority: http://nda.ieRoad Safety Authority: http://www.rsa.ie
UKHealth and Safety Executive: http://www.hse.gov.ukThe Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH): http://www.iosh.co.uk
EuropeEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work: https://osha.europa.euEuropean Commission Health and Safety at Work: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=148The European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations: http://www.enshpo.eu/home
InternationalOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): https://www.osha.govInternational Labour Office: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/who-we-are/international-labour-office/lang--en/index.htmWorld Health Organisation: http://www.who.int/enCenters for Disease Control (CDC): http://www.cdc.gov