Medical Records Department

Please note if you wish to obtain a copy of a Medical Record please click this link 

Description of Department/Service

The Medical Records Department is responsible for the management, quality and control of all health care records ensuring confidentiality and prompt retrieval of information for patient care also for research/clinical audit and for statistics. Records are held in hard copy and on microfilm.

Patient Information

Medical Records Manager 
Geraldine Duke

Death Notification Office
01 – 414 2385
Opening hours:Tuesday to Thursday between 9am-12:30pm

Collection of Death Notificiation Certificates by appointment

The Death Notification Office deal with organising the completion of Death Notification Certificates for patients who pass away in Tallaght University Hospital. The Death Notification Office will contact relatives as documented on the patients chart when the Death Notification certificate is completed and ready for collection, at this time a collection time will be organised between the hours of 9am and 12.30pm Tuesday to Thursday.

In the event of a patient passing away at home or in another institution please ring 01 414 2385 or email giving the following details:

  • Name of deceased
  • Address of deceased
  • Date of birth of deceased
  • Where did the deceased pass away e.g. home, Hospital etc.
  • Date of death
  • Your name, relationship to deceased and contact number

This enables the Hospital to keep our records up-to-date and ensure that we do not issue any further appointment letters to that patient.

Your Medical Record and Confidentiality

Your medical record contains the history of your health and any illness you have. Your medical record contains reports of laboratory tests, results of x-rays, and all correspondence in relation to your medical care. If you are looking for a copy of your medical record from the Hospital please click on this link. 

Tallaght University Hospital, is an academic teaching hospital. To help educate our staff and students and to teach them how to treat illnesses more effectively, they may view your medical record. Your medical record may also be used for our quality controls and audits to help us to improve our services.

To improve our understanding of illnesses, we also sometimes carry out research using your medical record. Any research carried out by the Hospital is governed by the policies of the Ethics Committee. We also may provide data to other health agencies such as the National Cancer Registry in order to plan for the health needs of patients nationally.

Giving your Consent
Your consent is required for any procedures that you may receive while in the Hospital. To help you understand your treatment, you will be given information about your care and any procedures you will undergo. This information should be given in a way that you understand. Please ask questions about your care/procedures or any medical terms you do not understand before you sign your consent form. Some information booklets are available to help explain your condition/procedure. You can withdraw your consent at any time.