Social Work

Contact Names/Numbers

Contact DetailsThe opening hours for the Dept are Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
(Closed on Bank Holidays)

Postal address
Medical Social Work Department, Tallaght University Hospital,
Tallaght, Dublin 24

Noeleen Denner / Laura McKeown
Social Work Administration 
Tel: 01 414 2462 / 2461

Ms Janice Hanlon
Principal Medical Social Worker
Tel: (01) 414 2461 / 2462

Description of Department/Service

The role of the Medical Social Worker is to assist patients and families resolve any social, practical or emotional difficulties that impact on their ability to cope with their illness. 

Medical Social Workers facilitate discharge and liaise with members of community services, both statutory and voluntary, to arrange services for patients. The Medical Social Worker provides a safe, confidential and supportive service.

The Social Work Department also offers:

  • Counselling and support for those who have experienced trauma, abuse and other crises in their lives.
  • Support in coping with chronic illness and planning for the future.
  • Information on bereavement support and counselling. Information on practical matters and entitlements.
  • Information on a range of organisations and community services, both locally and nationally
  • Referral to specialised sources of care in the community.

Patient Information Leaflets

The following leaflets provide further information on supports available that may be relevant following a trip to the Emergency Department. 

Addiction Supports Services in the Community
Counselling Supports Booklet
Domestic Violence Supports
Supports for International Protection Applicants