In accordance with the ‘Irish Heart Foundation National Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations for the Care of People with Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack, 2010’ Persons at risk of a stroke and those who have had a stroke should be assessed for and given information on risk factors, lifestyle management issues and should be counselled on possible strategies to modify their lifestyle and risk factors. The nurse led secondary prevention clinic started in Tallaght University Hospital in September 2012.
The aim of the clinic is to reduce the incidence of stroke through
- Assessment and treatment,
- Patient and health care provider education on stroke prevention
- Support and risk factor screening for stroke patients
- Advice on lifestyle modification
Held on a Thursday between 9am-1pm the target patient group are:
- All patients admitted with TIA / Stroke under Stroke Service / Neurology Service
- All patients attending RASP clinic
- New referrals to the general stroke outpatients
It is anticipated that patients will only attend this clinic once. Referrals from the clinic are accepted from the Hospitals Stroke Service team members, ASU staff nurses and the Neurology medical teams
At the clinic patients are:
- Assessed with recording of vital observations
- Assessment of current condition and any recurrence/ worsening of stroke symptoms.
- Medication compliance
- Cardiovascular risk assessment
- Individualised secondary prevention education based on cardiovascular risk assessment to both patients and families
- Smoking cessation
- Provision of written information
- Referral to allied health professionals
- Liason with other community services eg. Stroke support group/ PHN Volunteer stroke scheme etc
- Application & analysis of 24hr blood pressure monitor
- Follow up of patients entered into clinical trials where necessary
- Genetic screening i.e Fabrys/Pompe
- Mood assessment in liaison with neuropsychologist
Our Stroke Clinical Nurse Specialists are Nicola Cogan and Suzanne Greene and they can be contacted on 01 414 3219