Contact Details: Finance Department, Ms Lydia Doyle –, 01-414 2044
Contact Details: Finance Department, Ms Eilish Martin –, 01-414 2044
- Research taking place in TUH is often funded by a Sponsor company, a University, a Charity, a TUH related foundation, etc.
- Clinical Trials of IMPs, Medical Device Trials and some Observational Research Studies include this funding as a study budget. This is incorporated as part of the Clinical Trial/Study Agreement (CTA). The bank details for transferring these funds is specified in the CTA
- Other Research studies do not require a formal CTA but these studies are also funded
- The Finance Department in TUH requests all research funding for all research taking place in TUH to be deposited into the TUH bank account (LINK)
- Researchers must register their study using Registration Form page and declare where the funding for their Research will be lodged. Researchers who choose not to lodge funds into the TUH bank account must confirm on the registration page that they take full responsibility for the funds from a personal taxation point of view.
The process for accessing funds lodged into TUH bank account:
- Funds are assigned to an internal order with a six-digit code provided to you
- To access the funds please contact Lydia Doyle
- Finance will provide instructions for accessing the funds
- Funds can be spent on Research related costs, such as salaries for research staff or consumables.