Guidance for ED Patients

The ED is a busy place and we would ask patients and all visitors to follow these guidelines during their time in the Dept: 

  • The staff fully appreciate that the ED can be a stressful and anxious place for patients and their families however we would ask that you treat the staff with respect. Verbal abuse, violence or aggression to staff or other patients will not be tolerated and the patient and/or family members may be asked to leave
  • Please be mindful that the ED is a treatment area for sick patients
  • Please do not leave valuable items unattended, if you are being admitted to hospital please ensure any valuables are sent home with family/friend
  • The use of mobile phones is restricted in the ED. If you are in an area where you are allowed to have your mobile turned on we would respectfully ask that it is turned on to silent mode so it does not disrupt other patients
  • The ED has very ill and vulnerable patients- please do not visit or accompany a patient if you have flu, vomiting and/or diarrhoea in the previous two days
  • Pastoral care is available upon request in the ED please speak to a nurse if this is something you require

Our Emergency Department has implemented innovative strategies to support the patient experience. Central to this initiative is the development of comprehensive guidelines for staff, equipping them with the necessary tools to effectively communicate with patients who identify as neurodivergent. These guidelines encompass a range of communication strategies tailored to individual needs, fostering a supportive and understanding environment from the moment patients enter the ED.

The Hospital is steadfast in its commitment to advancing neurodiversity-friendly practices. By prioritising education, training, and ongoing evaluation, the Hospital aims to continually refine its approach and ensure that every patient receives the compassionate and inclusive care they deserve.