Patient Information

Department & Ward Telephone Numbers

Department Phone Numbers

Below is a list of useful telephone numbers, including Hospital Departments, out-patients clinics, wards.

  • Hospital Departments

Admissions - Elective

(01) 414 2800

Admissions - Emergency Bed Management

(01) 414 2803

Age-Related Healthcare Day Hospital

(01) 414 3225

Cardiology Department Diagnostic (BMP, Hholters, EST)

(01) 414 3440

Cardiology Department Diagnostic (Echos, Ppacemaker checks)

(01) 414 3059

Cardiology Department Diagnostic (Coronary Cath Lab officeAngio)

(01) 414 3051

Cardiology Department Diagnostic (CRYPT Uunit)

(01) 414 3058

Colposcopy (and smear clinic)

(01) 414 4752/3351

Day Ward Reception

(01) 414 419885

Day Care Appointments

(01) 414 3866

Day Care Pre-assessment

(01) 414 3491/3490

Diabetes Day Centre

(01) 414 3223

Endocrinology Out Patients

(01) 414 4786

Endoscopy (10am – 12pm & 2pm – 4pm Monday to Friday)

(01) 414 4185

Education Facilities

(01) 414 2820

Freedom of Information

(01) 414 2333

Gynaecology Clinic Reception (manned only during clinic times Monday 9am-1pm & 2pm to 4pm, Wednesday 9am-1pm, Thursday 9am-1pm & 2pm-4pm)

(01) 414 2369/4054

Gynaecology Department (Gunther Von Bunau, Aoife O'Neill, Nadine Farah appointments and OPD queries)

(01) 414 4762

Gynaecology Department (Cliona Murphy & Aoife Mullally appointments & OPD queries)

(01) 414 2369

Haematology Service

(01) 414 2081

Human Resources Business Partners

(01) 414 4700/4186/3147/2046

Human Resources Recruitment - General (Non-Medical)

(01) 414 2202/3377

Human Resources Recruitment - Nursing

(01) 414 3496/5805/2048

Human Resources Business Services

(01) 414 5858/3903/3587/2075

Human Resources Medical Division

(01) 414 5863/3679/4774/3643/2336


(01) 414 4875/4703

Medical Administration

(01) 414

Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering

(01) 414 2513

Medical Short Stay Unit (MSSU)

(01) 414 2394/5

Mental Health (Reception)

(01) 414 3300/3303

Nursing Administration

(01) 414 2154

Nutrition & Dietetics Out-Patient Appointments

(01) 414 2390

Nutrition & Dietetics Office

(01) 414 2484


(01) 414 3025

Occupational Health

(01) 414 2770

Oncology Day Unit

(01) 414 4255

Pastoral Care

(01) 414 2482

Patient Advocacy

(01) 414 4709

Pharmacy Administration

(01) 414 2562

Physiotherapy Out-Patient Appointments

(01) 414 2366/2750

Social Work

(01) 414 2462

Speech & Language Therapy

(01) 414 2776


(01) 414 2085/2093

Technical Services

(01) 414 2900/2902

The Adelaide Health Foundation

(01) 414 2071

The Meath Foundation

(01) 414 5896


(01) 414 3700/3778

  • Out-Patient Clinics and Appointments

Age-Related Healthcare

(01) 414 3241

Anti-Coagulation Clinic

(01) 414 2694

Breath Testing

(01) 414 4181


(01) 414 2086/2087/2088


(01) 414 4752

Day Care Appointments

(01) 414 3866/3864

Day Care Pre-assessment

(01) 414 3490/3491


(01) 414 3849

Ear, Nose and Throat

(01) 414 2083/3190

Endocrinology Day Care

(01) 414 3223


(01) 414 4185/4264


(01) 414 2091


(01) 414 2369

Haematology Day Ward

(01) 414 4195

Medical Oncology

(01) 414 2456

Mental Health

(01) 414 3303


(01) 414 2350/2440


(01) 414 2083

Pain Management

(01) 414 3104


(01) 414 2366

Radiation Oncology

(01) 414 2456/3381


(01) 414 2397


(01) 414 3350


(01) 414 3034


(01) 414 2085/2093

Vascular Lab

(01) 414 4811


(01) 414 2694 

  • Adult Wards


(01) 414 3339/3247


(01) 414 3655

Aspen Unit

(01) 414 2777

Burkitt Ward

(01) 414 5938

Cedar Ward

(01) 414 4835 / 3328

Clinical Decision Unit

(01) 414 3562

Crampton Ward

(01) 414 4019


(01) 414 2350

Discharge Lounge

(01) 414 3605

Franks Ward

(01) 414 4090/4094

Gogarty Ward

(01) 414 4045/4049

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

(01) 414 2745/2736/2735

Lane Ward

(01) 414 4124

Lynn Ward

(01) 414 5883/3444

Maguire Ward

(01) 414 5800/5801

Ormsby Ward

(01) 414 4075/4079

Osborne Ward

(01) 414 4000/4002

Rowan Unit

(01) 414 4804/3316

Ruttle Ward

(01) 414 4060/4064

Webb Ward

(01) 414 4106

William Stokes Unit

(01) 414 3200

  • The National Children's Hospital


(01) 414 2005


(01) 414 2409/2410

Cystic Fibrosis Department

(01) 414 2996

Day Ward

(01) 414 2295

Diabetes Nurse Specialist

(01) 414 2792


(01) 414 2379


(01) 414 4771

Social Worker

(01) 414 2462

Speech and Language Therapy

(01) 414 2280


(01) 414 3737

Children's Wards


Beech Ward

(01) 414 2159/2150/2160

High Dependency Unit (HDU)

(01) 414 2293

Maple Ward

(01) 414 2162/2151

Oak Ward

(01) 414 2152/3847


A Statement of Information Practices at Tallaght University Hospital

What we do with your information

Everyone working for Tallaght University Hospital has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.   This document explains why we ask for your personal information, how that information will be used and how you can see your information.   

Why is Information recorded about me

Your doctor and other health professionals caring for you keep records about the treatment you receive.  This may be written down (manual records) or kept on a computer (electronic records).  These records may include:

1.      Basic details about you, e.g. address and next of kin
2.      Contacts we have with you, e.g. appointments
3.      Notes and reports about your health and care, e.g. change in medication
4.      Details and records about your treatment e.g. advice given to you
5.      Results of investigations
6.      Relevant information from people who care for you and know you well, e.g. other clinicians and your GP

What is the information used for? 

Your records are used to ensure that we provide you with the best possible care.  It is important that your health records are accurate and up-to-date as they will help make sure that any staff looking after you are able to provide you with the care that your require.  Your records will also aid us with any investigation should you have a problem or concern regarding your treatment.

We may also use your information to improve the services we provide to you through audits and monitoring, to pay the care provider for your treatment, aid health research and help to teach healthcare professionals.    

When other organisations are involved in your care we may need to share details about you to enable us to work together for your benefit. Information will only be shared with them if they have genuine need for it and where possible we will ask for your consent on this.

We may share information with organisations that contribute to your health and care. These will include your

  • GP surgery
  • Clinics that you are attending as a patient
  • Other organisations that may carry out diagnostic tests on your behalf at our request, e.g. other laboratories or radiology organisations.
  • Clinical networks, e.g. Cancer Care or other hospitals
  • Audit organisations e.g. Health Service Executive

Some of your personal information may be used for statistical reporting purposes. Occasionally an independent audit (check) will take place to make sure your information is being recorded and stored accurately and securely. On the rare occasions where it is essential to include personal identifiable information we will ask for your consent before this information is shared.   

Can I see my information? 

The Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act allow you to find what information is held about you on computer and on certain manual records. If you use our self service touch screens you will see some of the information that we hold about you.

In certain circumstances access to your records may be limited, e.g. if it is felt to be in your best interest or for the protection of others.

If you wish to see a copy of the records that we hold about you then we should write to the Freedom of Information Office, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin 24.  If you wish to make a complaint then you may write to our Patient Advocacy department at the Hospital.

How can I make a complaint about the way my information is managed?

If you wish to make a complaint you may do so by writing to the Patient Advocacy Department or e-mail to We endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within five working days and complete the process within 30 working days.

Occasions when your information needs to be disclosed include:

1.      When the health and safety of others is at risk
2.      When the law requires us to pass information on under special circumstances
3.      When we encounter infectious diseases which may be a public health concern, e.g. meningitis and measles (but not HIV/AIDS)
4.      When a formal court order has been issued

We are required by law to report certain information to appropriate authorities. This is only provided after permission has been given by a qualified health professional. Anyone who receives information from the hospital has a legal duty to keep it confidential. Please advise a staff member involved in your care if there is information you do not wish us to share.  

Further information

If you would like to know more about how we use your information or for any reason you do not wish to have your information used in any of the ways described, please speak to the health professionals concerned with your care.

Further information on your Medical Healthcare Record can be found here. Guidance about data protection can be obtained from the Data Protection Commissioner website at