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Tallaght University Hospital
Back to Ward Finder
01 414 4000 or 01 414 4002.
When ringing the ward to enquire about a relative please ring after 08.30am to enable nursing handover from one shift to another to be carried out uninterrupted. Please be aware that information can only be given out over the phone to the next of kin.
Visitors are regarded as an important part of the patient's day and are very welcome. The welfare of the patient must, however, always be taken into consideration. If the patient is likely to become unduly upset or tired, certain visiting restrictions may be imposed. Patients need adequate rest to help the healing process.
Daily visiting hours in the Adult Hospital are from: 2pm - 4pm and from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Osborne Ward is located on Level 3 in the Main Hospital. The easiest way to get there is to go through the main hospital entrance to the lifts in the main foyer. Take the lift to Level 3, turn along the corridor to the main ward area. Osborne Ward is the last ward on the left-hand side.
Osborne Ward is a combined medical and kidney patient ward. The ward philosophy is to provide treatment, support, education and training to enable patients to return to self-care in the community where possible. We endeavour to keep patients and their family fully informed of their illness and progress in Hospital.
The Ward is named after Jonathan - “Ireland’s first nephrologist”, Osborne carried out pioneering work relating to ‘renal dropsy’ in the 1820's and 1830;s. He was Clinical Physician in Mercer’s and Sir Patrick Dunn’s Hospitals where he carried out observations and research into the association of dropsy with renal disease.
For elective patients please bring in list of current medications on admission.
Pastoral Care Services are available for patients. Nursing Staff will arrange for a member of the Pastoral Care Team to visit a patient if required.
Once your discharge day is planned, hospital policy aims to have all patients discharged by 11am. Please think through what arrangements you need to put in place to get home from hospital. On discharge, all patients are given a discharge letter for their G.P. and a prescription. An appointment for follow up will be made if necessary.
Visitors are regarded as an important part of the patient's day and are very welcome at Tallaght Hospital. Please note Patient safety is our number one priority. We have strict policies on infection prevention and control which apply to everyone: staff, patients and visitors. We would ask all visitors observe the following:
We advise all patients not to bring valuables with you during an admission i.e. cash or jewellery. The Hospital is not responsible for patients’ valuables, if kept by the patient. If you do happen to carry cash or items of value with you, there is a patient safe on ward which your nurse can lodge things in.