Tymon North Community Unit - Cherry Blossom & Bluebell Wards

LocationTymon North Community Unit
2nd Floor
Tymon North Road
D24 T2XD
Contact Numbers(01) 414 2420
Visiting Hours2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm
Patient Meal TimesBreakfast 8:15am, lunch 12:15pm, tea 5:15pm

Tymon North is an acute inpatient medical gerontology unit, located offsite in Tymon North Community Unit and operated by Tallaght University Hospital.

This unit has 48 beds across two inpatient wards (Cherry Blossom and Bluebell) and is staffed by a full medical and nursing team, with a dedicated multidisciplinary team (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, speech and language therapy, medical social work).

Patients are transferred to the unit from the main hospital campus for ongoing acute medical care and rehabilitation before being discharged home.

Tymon North Patient Information Leaflet

Tymon North images

The Tymon North Team

The Consultant leads are: Dr Anna McDonough, Dr Aoife Fallon and Dr Sylvia Karpinski

 Other team members and disciplines include:
CNM 2: Sandra Greville
CNM 1: Bincy Mani, Sindu John
Physiotherapy: Eavan Kinch
Occupational Therapy: Roisin Mellett
Medical Social Work: Peter Ryan
Speech & Language Therapy

Other Information

Pastoral Care Services are available for patients. Nursing Staff will arrange for a member of the Pastoral Care Team to visit a patient if required.  Valuables, (i.e. money and jewellery). We advise you not to bring valuables with you during an admission. The Hospital is not responsible for patients’ valuables, if kept by the patient. If you do happen to carry cash or items of value with you, there is a patient safe on ward which your nurse can lodge things in. 

Day of Discharge / Transfer

Once your discharge day is planned, hospital policy aims to have all patients discharged by 11am. Please think through what arrangements you need to put in place to get home from Tymon North. On discharge, all patients are given a discharge letter for their GP and a prescription. An appointment for follow up will be made if necessary.

Directions to Tymon North

Directions to Tymon North