Arts & Health Callout for Musicians

Arts & Health at TUH in collaboration with CHI at Tallaght are inviting musicians to apply to be a ‘Musician in Healthcare’ in TUH and CHI at Tallaght. Funding has been secured to grow the ‘Soothing Sounds Live Music Programme for adults and the children’s service provided by CHI at TUH. There are positions available on a contractual basis for 24 weeks.
You can learn more about the opportunity via this
link And a link to the application form can be found
here The deadline for submissions is April 14th 2023. Applications should be emailed to
artsandhealth@tuh.ieArt4All - Art Packs for TUH Patients

Ageing and memory represent two extraordinarily important themes in contemporary society. A defining characteristic of ageing is complexity and increased inter-individual variability. This provides a rich field for study and reflection, and by its very complexity lends itself to interdisciplinary study and research. Responding to the challenge of interdisciplinary working has been the emergence of an innovative, exciting and purposefully interdisci
Interdisciplinary Research Workshop

Ageing and memory represent two extraordinarily important themes in contemporary society. A defining characteristic of ageing is complexity and increased inter-individual variability. This provides a rich field for study and reflection, and by its very complexity lends itself to interdisciplinary study and research. Responding to the challenge of interdisciplinary working has been the emergence of an innovative, exciting and purposefully interdisciplinary movement in gerontology and the arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS).
This IRC-funded workshop is being curated by TCD, the National Centre for Arts and Health, NUIG, Maynooth University and DIT GRADCAM. To register for the event:- **
The choice of locations for the workshop is emblematic of our desire to uproot and challenge existing orthodoxies of thought and theory. The first day (9 May 2016) will be held in the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute which hosts the Medical and Health Humanities Initiative and the second day (10 May 2016) in the National Centre for Arts and Health, Tallaght Hospital which has a vibrant arts and humanities programme
The workshop will a) give an overview of current theory and practice in interdisciplinary research; b) provide examples from existing funded interdisciplinary research among the workshop organisers; c) provide a platform for researchers to present current or proposed research for which they are seeking potential partners; d) focus on perceived barriers and facilitators to interdisciplinary research across AHSS/STEM/Health Sciences; and e) develop a summary report and action plan.
Participants are strongly urged to read Callard and Fitzgerald’s 2015 monograph on interdisciplinary research, an Open Access book **
The target participants are:
- Scholars in AHSS, Science, Engineering, Design, Health currently engaged with, or planning interdisciplinary research
- Research support/development officers in academic institutions
- Staff in funding bodies (invitations issued to IRC, HRB, SFI, Arts Council, Wellcome, charitable foundations)
Participants are also strongly encouraged to submit concepts of interdisciplinary research for discussion and engagement with potential partners: please ensure to send a synopsis of 500 words maximum to by 5pm, 2nd May 2016.
There is no fee for participation, but early booking is advised. **
Call to Artists - Commission for Paediatric ED
We are looking for artists submissions to create a child friendly theme throughout the paediatric emergency department in Tallaght Hospital. Closing date is Wednesday 2nd December 2015.
Call to Artists - Expressions of interest.
Music and Health - Promoting excellence in practice
A public arts and health seminar presenting the best of Irish music therapy and music and health practice. This seminar, delivered in RUA RED Arts Centre, Tallaght on 23/10/2015 was presented by The National Centre for Arts and Health, in partnership with the Meath Foundation, the Music Department of Trinity College Dublin, RUA RED arts centre and South Dublin County Council. The event brought together leading specialists in the field to present examples of both music therapy and music and health practice in Ireland. Click on the link to see the days schedule and read a short bio about our speakers.
Music and Health Seminar.
We are delighted to share our podcasts from the seminar:-
Podcast - Prof. Desmond O'Neill.mp3 (size 17.2 MB) Professor of Medical Gerontology in Trinity College Dublin and a consultant geriatrician in Tallaght Hospital. His research interests centre on ageing and the neurosciences with a particular emphasis on the humanities, and he has authored over 300 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters.
Podcast - Hilary Moss.mp3 (size 15.6 MB) Director of Arts and Health at the National Centre for Arts and Health, Tallaght Hospital and Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin.
Podcast - Paula Higgins.mp3 (size 14.7 MB) Paula Higgins, Music Therapist, currently working with St. Patrick's Mental Health Services recently released a music album 'It Made You', a collaborative song-writing project between singer-songwriter, Sean Millar, and over 90 service users who were resident in St Patrick’s between December 2014 and May 2015.
Podcast - Caroline Peppard.mp3 (size 8 MB) Caroline currently works as a Senior Health Promotion Officer in the Health Service Executive and her main areas of interest and research are older people; ageing and the social factors that produce positive ageing and social models of health and illness.
Podcast - Dee Gray.mp3 (size 14.7 MB) Has established music therapy posts in mental health and paediatric palliative care services in Dublin over the past 5 years. She currently works between two services; Laura Lynn Ireland's Children’s Hospice and the National Rehabilitation Hospital.
Podcast - Sharon Murphy & Carolann Courtney.mp3 (size 16 MB) Sharon Murphy is a vocalist, musical director and musician in residence with NCAH in Tallaght Hospital with a particular interest in the role of music in the lives of those living with dementia. Carolann Courtney is an Arts and Health Specialist for County Kildare supported by Kildare County Council Arts and Library Service. Together they co-ordinate and deliver The Kildare Pastimes Choir - a choir for people with dementia.
Follow the Visual Art Trail @ Tallaght University Hospital
Tallaght Hospital has many beautiful Artworks on display in public areas including the Atrium, Pastoral Care, Hospital Street and many more. Along the Art Trail you will find a wonderfully varied collection of artworks from highly acclaimed artist such as Robert Ballagh to our patients own artworks and projects facilitated by Artists in Residence. Why not click on the link below and follow the Art Trail Map? View as many of the Artworks as you wish, all are located on the ground floor of the hospital.
Enjoy! Visual art trail 22_07_15.pdf (size 745 KB)
Composer in Residence - Ian Wilson
Luke Clancy interviews Hilary Moss, Director of The National Centre for Arts and Health discussing Music in a Healthcare setting and reflecting on the work of Composer in Residence, Ian Wilson. The residency was centred on exploring three illness of older age - Stroke (7 movements), Alzheimer’s (6 movements) and Parkinson’s Disease (4 movements) at the department of Geriatric Medicine and Stroke Services at TUH.
Luke Clancy - Culture File, RTE Lyric FM.mp3 (size 7.7 MB)
'Synaptic Serenades'
Musical Narratives of Stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
Listen to the three works composed by Ian Wilson, born in Belfast and began composing while at university. He has written nearly 150 works, including chamber operas, concertos, string quartets, a range of orchestral and chamber music and multi-media pieces. His compositions have been performed and broadcast on six continents, and presented at festivals including the BBC Proms, Venice Biennale and Frankfurt Bookfair and at venues such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, London’s Royal Albert and Wigmore Halls, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw and Muziekgebouw, Vienna’s Musikverein and Tokyo’s Suntory Hall. Wilson has in recent years also worked with jazz musicians, Asian tabla and Chinese pipaplayers and traditional Irish singers; he has also collaborated with choreographers, theatre directors and electroacoustic and computer music composers. There are commercially-available recordings of over fifty of Wilson’s works on labels including Diatribe, Riverrun, Black Box, Timbre, Guild, Meridian and Chandos. His music is published by Ricordi(London) and Universal Edition and website is
'Bewitched' with soloist Deirdre Moynihan, Soprano
Stroke - 7 Movements
'Therefore I am' with soloist Cathal Roche (Saxophone)
Alzheimer’s - 6 Movements
'Matter' with soloist Cathy Belton (Narrator)
Parkinson's Disease - 4 Movements
Arts and Health Week 11th-16th May 2015
Get ready for Arts and Health Week. Take a look at the full schedule of events we have lined up! Featuring 'Creative Check Up', A Reflective Practice 1day Masterclass, Film Screening, Tour of the Art Trail, Musical entertainment in the Hospital Atrium, and Staff Arts for Health event. It proves to be a busy week with lots to see and do.
Arts and Health week.pdf (size 237.1 KB)
Annual Report 2014
Read here! Annual report 2014.pdf (size 4.5 MB)
'Lying in Wait'
Collaborative Art Exhibition - 10th March - 22nd April 2015

This exhibition is a selection of artworks produced by patients at TUH over the last six months. The works represent a valuable, positive andcreative engagement in contrast to the sometimes adverse encounters experienced in the healthcare environment.
These artworks are exhibited in conjunction with an original video artwork entitled 'The Waiting Room' by Artist Deirdre Glenfield. This artwork explores the tensions experienced by patients in the waiting room when faced with life changing health implications.
changing health implications. For more information contact Rua Red Arts Centre 01 451 5860/ or Alison Baker 01 414 2076/ or the artist
Launch of art exhibition:
Tuesday 10th March at 3pm at Rua Red Arts Centre, Tallaght.
All welcome! Exhibition runs 8th March - 22nd April 2015.
This project is generously sponsored by the Meath Foundation.
Listen to Sean Moncrieff's show on Newstalk
Featuring Aimee O'Neill Art Therapist and hear more about the hospital art programme for children.
RTE Radio 1 Arena programme
Featuring Ian Wilson, Composer and Hilary Moss, Director of the Centre
discussing Ian's recent residency and the role of arts and art therapy at the hospital.
Radio feature on Music and Health
Featuring the work of the National Centre for Arts andHealth. Hear it now! ***
Newly released audio recordings of arts and health programme.
Listen here to a selection of professionally recorded audio interviews about arts and health. Hear from patient James, who describes the benefit of engaging in art while receiving chemotherapy treatment. James F patient account.WAV (size 21.5 MB).
Hear also from Artist in Residence Lucia Barnes and Harpist in residence Mary O'Donnell, who describe their work in the hospital, as well as a musical clip from the harpists here at the hospital. Harp music in the atrium.WAV (size 28.7 MB) | Mary harpist account.WAV (size 12.3 MB) | | Artist in residence Lucia Barnes experience.WAV (size 27.3 MB) |
Finally hear from Hilary Moss, Director of Arts and Health and Professor Des O'Neill, Chair of the hospital Arts Programme, who describe their approach to arts and health practice in hospital.Hilary Moss_1.WAV (size 8 MB) | Hilary Moss _2.WAV (size 14.8 MB)Hilary Moss radio interview on the arts programme.WAV (size 8.8 MB) | Prof O'Neill_1.WAV (size 17 MB) | Prof O'Neill _2.WAV (size 7.6 MB)Prof Des O'Neill interview about arts programme.WAV (size 15.8 MB) |
29th December 2014
The moving story of how a composer, a team, of dedicated medical professionals and patients with Parkinson’s Disease come together to create an inspirational piece of music.
'A Disconnected Rhythm’ is an arts documentary created at the point where two disciplines intersect: the medical and the artistic.
It follows composer Ian Wilson’s collaboration with the National Centre for Arts & Health as he creates a work of art inspired by Parkinson’s Disease.
Produced by John Kelleher Media for TV3 and under the BAI Sound & Vision Scheme, the documentary charts Ian’s five week stint as ‘Composer in Residence’ at TUH.
We follow the project’s progress, primarily through Ian’s eyes, as he attends consultations and treatments, meets patients and their families and observes the doctors who are passionate about the therapeutic value of art.
General Practice by Fionn McCann
An Exhibition selected from The Trinity CollegeDublinArtCollections
Tallaght Hospital, 29th October 2014 - 22nd April 2015
The General Practice exhibition portrays Ireland at a moment in time. It captures the ordinariness and the extraordinariness of patients telling doctors about intimate things, which is done 50,000 times a day in Ireland. The aim of the exhibition is to illustrate the day-to-day work of general practitioners in a variety of communities around Ireland. On seeing the photographs, all the doctors who took part expressed a sense of privilege in doing the job that they do and love and in having the trust of people, who are ill or who believe themselves to be ill.
The exhibition was the inspiration of Professor Tom O’Dowd who commissioned Fionn McCann to create this photographic work in celebration of the Tercentenary of the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin in 2012. The inaugural show took place in the Gallery of Photography, Temple Bar. The exhibition is now on loan from Trinity College and it is with great pleasure that we show it here in Hospital Street, Tallaght Hospital.
Exhibition information: Gp Exhibition.pdf (size 4.6 MB)
Please find attached a flyer for a unique and prestigious concert to be performed on 14th October, organised by the National Centre for Arts and Health (NCAH). Concert 14 October 2014.pdf (size 532.2 KB)
The concert, ‘Synaptic Serenades – Musical Narratives of Stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease’ will be performed on 14th October from 1830 – 2030 at the Royal College of Physicians Ireland (RCPI), Kildare Street.
This musical event was is the first complete performance of three works composed by Ian Wilson while Composer in Residence at the Department of Geriatric Medicine and the Stroke Services at Tallaght Hospital. The works aim to reflect the patient narrative of the experience of these three illnesses of older age and the project was developed by the NCAH.
The works will be performed by musicians from the Royal Irish Academy of Music (RIAM) with guest soloists Deirdre Moynihan, Cathy Belton and Cathal Roche and there will be reflections on the experience by both the composer and medical experts at the Hospital.
This event was developed for the annual St Luke’s Day Celebrations at the Royal College of Physicians Ireland and is a collaboration between NCAH, RIAM and RCPI. The event is generously sponsored by The Meath Foundation.
This is a free ticketed event. Book tickets online or email
We look forward to welcoming you to this event.
From February to April 2014 the National Centre for Arts and Health conducted a review of the bedside art programme for patients in the hospital. The attached report outlines the number of patients receiving the service, the range of patient groups availing of the programme and examples and case studies of benefit. It also reports on an evaluation by patients.
Weekly bedside or group art sessions are offered in the following departments/wards:
Maguire and Webb ward, Charlie O’Toole Day Hospital, Oncology Day Ward, Renal Dialysis Unit, Palliative Care, Haematology, Psychiatry, St Luke’s hospital service and to self referrals from patients or their families.
Live music sessions are offered on Webb ward and Charlie O’Toole Day Hospital as well as in the hospital atrium.
Children’s art sessions are offered weekly in OPD and A&E Waiting rooms, Diabetes team (NCH) and to in-patients (music for babies and art therapy for young adults) through the play department.
Total number of patients who received visual art or music sessions at the bedside or in group sessions in hospital:
February 2014: 510
March 2014: 538
April 2014: 526
*Estimation, based on these figures, is that 5246 patients benefit from the arts service in the hospital per year.
To read more see report Service Evaluation for Bedside Arts.pdf (size 855.6 KB)

Emerging Artists Showcase
An exhibition featuring photographic works by Anna Janiszewska, Sharon Murphy, Linda Plunkett and Anna Thompson
(Exhibition continues until Oct 2014)
Tallaght Hospital is delighted to present this Emerging Artists Showcase, comprised of a select number of photographic artists who recently graduated from IADT-Dun Laoghaire with a BA(Hons) in Photography. We invite you to meander through ‘Hospital Street’ and gaze upon a wonderfully diverse and eclectic use of the medium of photography. Each artists’ body of work is represented by a select number of images that presents the viewer with a carefully chosen excerpt from that work. As a broad overlook the exhibition displays photographic genres that range from documentary to portraiture, from landscape to abstract but individually each demonstrate a particular photographic technique that emphasizes and supports the conceptual narrative behind their work. To read more about the artist and their projects please view their individual websites (business cards are distributed throughout Hospital Street).
Anna Janiszewska Pigeon House
Sharon Murphy Intervals/The Half
Linda Plunkett And All the Spaces In Between/Adagio
Anna Thompson The Sixth Belt
This, somewhere else.’by Myra Jago
Solo Exhibition at Tallaght Hospital, Feb - July 2014
Calling attention to a continuous negotiation between how things are and how things might be perceived, Myra Jago's work centres on how we experience the world. She also maintains that our natural predisposition to beauty and symmetry means we take in more than meets the eye. These paintings, drawings and sculptures, made 2011-2013, juxtapose a playful demeanour with weighty undertones, furthering theories of an existence halfway between what is evident and what is felt.Myra Jago exhibition details.pdf (size 571.7 KB)
We are delighted to be collaborating with the Rheumatology team, led by Prof David Kane and Dr Ronan Mullen, to bring an art therapy group experience to patients living with arthritis. This is a 12 week community art therapy group led by Art Therapist Aimee O'Neill. It will be held at Rua Red Arts Centre, more details on attachment. The Rheumatology team are conducted a trial to measure the benefit of art therapy as for patients with arthritis. This is the first such trial in Ireland and possibly the first such international study. This project is supported by The Meath Foundation. Art Therapy for people with Arthritis programme details.pdf (size 74 KB)
Mairead O'Donnell, Traditional Musician in Residence, will continue to work with the babies in Tallaght Hospital and their parents, bringing music at the bedside. Mairead's work is generously funded by HSE Health Promotion and is supported by the Play Department of the National Children's Hospital. A report on last year's work is attached for more information. MUSIC FOR PARENTS AND BABIES 2013.pdf (size 527.1 KB)
Thanks to support from the Volunteer Coffee Shop, we are able to continue monthly music sessions in the atrium. The first Tuesday of every month will see a burst of music and life in the atrium from 1pm - 2pm. All music sessions are free and open to all patients, visitors and staff.
*On Going Initiative*
E-reading for patients (pilot scheme)
The National Centre is collaborating with South Dublin County Libraries to pilot a new e-reading scheme for patients. The library is providing e-reading devices and training to arts staff, who will then offer e-readers to patients in hospital. We hope that the e-readers will offer patients a convenient way to read in hospital and to assist those with issues which may make holding or reading books more difficult
2013 saw the annual Arts and Health Film Festival showcase four films on the theme of older age. This project is a collaboration with Rua Red Arts Centre and plans are underway for the next festival later this year.
Through the Lens is Ireland’s only Arts and Health Film Festival.
The festival began in 2011 and returned in 2013 for a special season of films aimed at medical professionals, students, service users, artists, filmmakers and the general public, interested in discussing and challenging perceptions of older age how it is represented within film. Each event in the festival included refreshments, a screening followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with medical professionals and service users from Tallaght Hospital. More details on the 2014 festival to follow!
Emerging Artist Showcase
This exhibition features work by photographic artist Alison Baker Kerrigan
Exhibition continues at Tallaght Hospital until 31st January 2014
Alison Baker Kerrigan is a photographic artist living and working in Dublin having graduated with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Photography from IADT - Dun Laoghaire in 2012. Drawing on inspiration from personal relationships and the experiential she utilises the familiarisation of the subject matter to encourage the viewer to engage with the narrative of her photographs. Her comprehensive aim is to deliver an honest, in-depth and far-reaching portrayal of the narrative involved. Her insatiable curiosity in all things photographic has also led her to create images using 19th Century Alternative Processes such as Cyanotype, Van Dyke and Wet Plate Collodian techniques.
This showcase features excerpts from various fine art projects with broad reaching themes such as Legacy & the Landscape, Colonialism, a conceptual representation of a Cancer Journey, an Advertising Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness and examples of 19th Century Photographic Processes.
For further information on the artist, commission requests or to purchase a work please contact Alison directly @ 087-9075948, by email or view her website at

World Premiere: Performance of Matter, a new work by composer Ian Wilson and poet Leontia Flynn
The premiere of Ian Wilson and Leontia Flynn’s new work, Matter, which was written during a residency with people with Parkinson’s disease at the Age Related Health Care Unit at Tallaght Hospital will be performed in the hospital atrium on 23rd October 2013 at 1pm. Ian Wilson, composer and Leontia Flynn, poet, were in residence for four weeks between August and September 2013, and their piece, which focuses on the experience of people with Parkinson’s disease, is written for narrator and string trio.
The work will be premiered by members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra and acclaimed Irish actress Ingrid Craigie. The Irish Chamber Orchestra is the only Orchestra in Residence in a hospital in Ireland and we are delighted to partner with them for this event.
We are excited that this first performance will be primarily for patients in the hospital and for those people with Parkinson’s disease who took part in the project – these people are the work’s most important audience. The event is particularly exciting as it is being held in a busy, public area of the hospital and therefore pushes the boundaries of conventional classical music performance.

Tallaght Hospital Choir is Workplace Choir of the Year 2013

Congratulations to the Tallaght Hospital Choir who carried away first prize in the 2013 Workplace Choir of theYear competition held in the RDS Concert Hall on Sunday, 30th June 2013.
The 38 member choir, all staff from the Hospital, performed two pieces -a NativeAmericanLullabyand, very appropriately, ASpoonful ofSugar helps the Medicine Go Down! The Choir was conducted by Amy Ni Riain and accompanied by Hilary Moss on Piano
The Workplace Choir of the Year Trophy was accepted, on behalf of all the Choir, by Maria Campbell, Choir Coordinator
View Gallery Here
*Bewitched* by Ian Wilson was performed at The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Conference, Bristol, UK
Date: 25th June 2013.

A new work, composed by Ian Wilson following a residency at the Stroke Unit, Tallaght Hospital, Dublin, was performed at a major Arts and Health Conference in Bristol, UK.Wilson composed the work for string quartet and soprano, based on the experiences of patients with stroke and the healthcare workers who treat them. This unique new composition was met with acclaim and went on to receive Arts Council Touring Funding to be performed in four venues across Ireland. The project is an example of excellence in arts and health work and new music composition.
This project is a collaboration between the National Centre for Arts and Health (Tallaght Hospital), the hospital Stroke Service, the Irish Chamber Orchestra, Composer Ian Wilson and Sapranist Deirdre Moynihan.
This international performance was made possible by funding from Culture Ireland and The Irish Chamber Orchestra. The project was supported by the Arts Council of Ireland and the Meath Foundation.
For more information contact Hilary Moss, National Centre for Arts and Health Tel: 01 414 2076
Download the Full Score of Bewitched HERE
Podacast of Bristol Conference Here
Listen to an audio clip of the Song- New Water HERE
View Gallery Here
Appreciations of Bewitched
Hi Hilary
Before I go any further - I must just say that the Bewitched performance was the highlight of the conference for me. Throughout each movement, tears rolled down my cheeks. Oddly, at the same time I found the work uplifting; it wasn't just sad, it was also funny and inspirational. This is one of the best "Arts & Health" pieces I've ever come across. SO, a big WELL DONE to all.
It was a real joy to meet you, and yes, what a great conference.
Kind regards
Dr Theodore Stickley -My work website:
Comment 2
Dear Hilary
I somehow missed you at the conference - I wanted to ask for a CD of 'Bewitched' for my husband, who had a stroke a few months ago. I think he would resonate with several of the passages and the music. We are both fortunate that he made a good recovery, but it has left its mark in subtle ways, as some of the lyrics made clear.
Best wishes
Dr Marian Liebmann
The National Centre for Arts and Health and RUA RED announce the return of Through the Lens, Ireland's only Arts and Health Film Festival.
Booking is essential
01 451 5860
Current 2012 Annual Report

Welcome to the Annual Report of the National Centre for Arts and Health, Tallaght Hospital. 2012 has been as busy as ever, with a team of thirty artists currently working here at the hospital. Highlights of the 2012 programme are reported in the report (click on image).
Other 2012 Highlights
November 2012: Arts and Alzheimers Seminar
Arts and Alzheimers was a unique seminar, held on:Wednesday November 28th; at the Royal College of Physicians 
Ireland.The National Centre for Arts and Health was delighted to present this seminar which was a culmination of the project whereby Composer Ian Wilson and members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra were in residenc in the hospital, along with visual artist Lucia Barnes. The culmination was the unique Arts and Alzheimers seminar,where Ian's new work was performed. Composition and fine art students were an integral component of this project as they learnt about the role of arts in health-care and with particular reference to patients with dementia. This project was supported by the Meath Foundation and was a Dublin City of Science event. The seminar reported on the experiences of bringing artists and composers together with health-care staff and people with dementia and the role of the arts in understanding and supporting the experiences of people with dementia.
September 2012 - Ian Wilson and the Irish Chamber Orchestra return to the hospital
In Septemebr 2012 we were delighted to welcome back renowned composer Ian Wilson and members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra to the hospital. Ian Wilson completed a successful residency in the stroke service, creating a unique new work entitled 'Bewitched'. He returned to complete a triptych of works based on the illnesses of older age - stroke, dementia and Parkinson's disease. He was joined once again by members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra, led by Kenneth Rice, Violinist, who performed a varied programme for patients in the Age Related Day Hospital as well as offering open rehearsals of Ian's new work. They were joined by Cathal Roche, Saxophonist for this particular project.
The residency was a project to culminate in a unique seminar, Arts and Alzheimers, scheduled for Wednesday November 28th to be showcased at the Royal College of Physicians Ireland where Ian's new work would be performed.
Creativity and Wellness Group
Creative Writng Group for people with Chronic Pain started in September 2012 and was facilitated by Writer in Residence Michael McCarthy. The group ran for 10 weeks and was held at the South Dublin County Library , Tallaght. This group was a collaboration between the National Centre for Arts and Health, Chronic Pain Ireland and South Dublin County Libraries.
Highlights of 2011
2011-Annual Report -Click
'Bewitched' Final Recital in the Presence of President Michael D. Higgins.
President Michael D. Higgins to Attend Special Performance of "Bewitched" at RIAM as part of the Music tour funded by the Arts Council Touring Award. President will hear unique new work composed by Ian Wilson during his residence in Tallaght Hospital's Stroke Unit. The President, Michael D Higgins has accepted an invitation from Dr Ronan Collins(Director of Stroke Service and Consultant Physician in Older Adult & Stroke Medicine, Tallaght
Hospital) to attend a performance of a new work, Bewitched which was composed in the stroke unit of Tallaght Hospital. The special recital will take place on Friday, March 16th in the Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin. Written by Belfast-born composer Ian Wilson, Bewitched was inspired by the experiences of Tallaght Hospital's stroke patients and the healthcare workers who work with them. During Wilson's three-month stay as Composer-in-Residence in the hospital's Stroke unit, he composed this new work for Irish soprano, Deirdre Moynihan and a string quartet (comprised of two violins, a viola and double bass). The project came about as a result of an initiative from the National Centre for the Arts in Health based in Tallaght Hospital. It is the latest in a long line of projects organised as part of Tallaght Hospital's ongoing Arts Programme. The programme - running now for over a decade - provides a substantial Arts and Health programme for patients and is encompassed as the National Centre for Arts and Health. The Arts Programme has seen patients and hospital staff collaborate with major cultural and artistic Irish institutions such as the Irish Chamber Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, the National Gallery of Ireland and the Museum of Modern Art, to name but a few. It is hoped that projects such as Bewitched will create awareness amongst medical and healthcare professionals of the important links between good health and the arts. Bewitched was first performed in the hospital on Wednesday November 24th 2010 to great acclaim and, as a result, the project was awarded the Arts Council Touring Award to bring Bewitched to four diverse venues in 2011/2012. The work has already started this tour. - 'President Michael D Higgins will be in attendance at an exclusive performance of Bewitched which will take place on Friday, March 16th at 6pm in the Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin. Composer Ian Wilson and representatives from Tallaght Hospital's Stroke Unit and its National Centre for the Arts in Health will also be present at the event.
In 2011 we hosted an international conference -.Narratives of Health and Illness across the Lifespan The Centre contributes to major national and international conferences, including presentations at the School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Trinity College, Dublin, Kildare County Council Arts and Health conference (2010), the Society for the Arts and Health, USA in 2005 and 2008. We also hosted a regional arts and health consultation meeting as part of South Dublin County Council’s Arts Plan Development in 2010.
The Music Tour of "Bewitched" a composition by Ian Wilson
(Music Residency Initiative in the Stroke Unit).
In 2010, the National Centre for Arts and Health at The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin hosted an exciting new

residency funded by The Arts Council. Composer Ian Wilson was in residence in the stroke unit for next three months. He composed a new work for Saprano Deirdre Moynihan anda a string quartet, based on the experiences of patients with stroke, entitled Bewitched. Members of The Irish Chamber Orchestra returned to the hospital following a successful residency in 2006 to work alongside Ian, performing for patients and conducting open rehearsals of the work in development, along with soprano Deirdre Moynihan. Patients and staff in the unit were involved in shaping the work with the composer.
A final performance of the work was given in the hospital on Wednesday November 24th and following the success of this project the hospital was awarded the Arts Council Touring Award to take the national innovation to four exciting venues in 2011 – 2012.
The tour is a collaboration between the National Centre for Arts and Health at the hospital, the Age Related Health Care Unit, the Irish Chamber Orchestra, the Composer Ian Wilson and the four venues. It is funded by The Arts Council. For more information and how to book please contact
The venues for the tour are: Download Flyer for more and Bioghraphies.
Venue | Date | Time |
Rua Red Arts Centre | Tuesday 6th December 2011 | 12.30 pm |
Galway University Hospital | Wednesday 25th January 2012 | 2. 00 p.m |
University of Limerick | Wednesday 1st February 2012 | 1.15 p.m |
Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin | Tuesday 13th March2012 | 6.30 pm |
Download the Full Score of Bewitched HERE
Listen to an audio clip of the Song- New Water HERE
Picture Gallery of the 'Bewtiched' Tour HERE
The Postgraduate Certificate in Arts in Healthcare Settings is the first accredited course in Arts and Health in Ireland. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the key theories that inform teaching and learning in adulthood; to provide them with the knowledge and skills to work creatively with groups; to give them the capacity to critically reflect on their practice in the field of arts and health and to give them an understanding of what ‘arts and health’ is and the role of the arts in healthcare, both theoretical and practical. The course is delivered by and in association NUI Maynooth . All students attending the course have the opportunity to attend a short placement in an arts and health setting (offered at the National Centre for Arts and Health, The Adelaide and Meath Hospital).
Film Festival
"Through the Lens" - Ireland’s 1st Arts and Health Film Festival
The special season is aimed at medical professionals, students, service users, artists and filmmakers interested in
discussing and challenging perceptions of mental ill health and how the issues are represented within film.
Each evening will include refreshments and a screening followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with medical
professionals and service users including Professor Desmond O'Neill (Dept of Medical Gerontology, Adelaide and
Meath Hospital), Dr Ian Daly (Executive Clinical Director of St. Lomans Mental Health Services) and Paddy McGowan
(Irish Advocacy Network)
A Beautiful Mind
Cast: Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly
Lars And The Real Girl
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider, Kelli Garner, Patricia Clarkson
Away From Her
Cast: Julie Christie, Michael Murphy and Gordon Pinsent
Click for a Detailed Flyer
With kind support from the Meath Foundation and Rua Red Arts Centre.
Other Highlights
1st Graduands in the Postgraduate Certificate in Arts in Healthcare Settings
The Postgraduate Certificate in Arts in Healthcare Settings at NUI Maynooth was a collaboration between The National Centre for Arts and Health at The Adelaide and Meath Hospital and NUI Maynooth. This is the first accredited course in Arts and Health in Ireland and was carried out for the first time in Feb 2011. The course aimed to provide students with an understanding of the key theories that inform teaching and learning in adulthood; to provide them with the knowledge and skills to work creatively with groups; to give them the capacity to critically reflect on their practice in the field of arts and health and to give them an understanding of what ‘arts and health’ is and the role of the arts in healthcare, both theoretical and practical. Following the successful development and implementation of this new course, we are delighted to announce that this course will be running again in February 2012. For more information contact the Department of Continuing and Adult Education, NUI Maynooth.
We are delighted to announce that twelve students on the first course have now successfully graduated. They are:
Aisling McCormilla; Anne Coffey; Celia Richard; Estibaliz Errazquin; Gillian Hogan; Karen O'Connor; Liz Morris; Maria Hanna; Niamh O'Connor; Pam O'Connell; Vanessa Eakins; Vicky Linnane.
Award Winning Art Work

Jo's X-ray is a work of art : An ARTHRITIC patient attending Tallaght Hospital has discovered the world is at her finger tips - after one lady was selected as runner-up in the Art and Health Competition of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy.
The Claw- Press Release.pdf (size 600.7 KB). For all the finalists and more news please follow the links Finalist Art Work The Claw. The image did not only go on exhibition in Amsterdam but has also made a storm of news locally. See more The Claw
- Community Arts and Health Projects
Moving On is a new programme developed in 2010 for patients coping with long term illnesses in the community, as a transitioning support group from hospital into the community. This group ran successfully in 2010 and it involved a print making session and a creative writing session. The sessions run for 12 weeks each. We have received funding from The Meath Foundation to run this programme again in 2011.
An art therapy group run in October 2011 for patients from the rheumatology department. ARThritis! Following on from two succcessful art groups for patients. This year (2011) we will be working once again in close collaboration with the Rheumatology team to research the benefit of art therapy for out-patients who have arthritis.
A new project began in late 2010 for patients with dementia and their family Carers. The Adelaide Society kindly funded this project through its New Initiatives Scheme. The project is underway, facilitated by Artist in Residence Lucia Barnes. Patients from the Charlie O’Toole Day Hospital are participating in a weekly art group and work with family Carers will begin in February 2011. The final results of both parts of the project will be exhibited in an exhibition later in 2011. Click here for report

The National Centre is currently involved in assisting two hospital departments to enhance the environment.
Along side is a an image of a sculpture "The Tree of Life" that was part of a design project on the Pastoral Corridor. It is located at the entrance of the Hospital Chapel The Sculpture was designed and installed by Sculptor Mark Ryan
The Tree of LifeA Symbol of renewal, resurrection, immortality and optimism. The five polished bronze fruits represent five senses: hearing, taste, smell, touch and sight.