MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide lifelong learning to all who work in a Healthcare environment that is accessible, relevant, comprehensive and in keeping with evidence based practice to enhance patient & client care. We strive to be consistent through quality improvement, transparency, equality, accessibility and accountability. Learning & Development Strategy Click here to view Strategy
Continuing Professional Development Learning & Development Prospectus 2024 The Centre for Learning & Development offers over 170 programmes which provide continuing professional development opportunities to staff.
The CLD is also part of the Consortium of Centres of Nursing & Midwifery Education (CCNME), a collaboration of the Health Service Executive Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Education and Section 38 Voluntary Centres of Nurse Education and Centres of Learning and Development. You can find more information on the CCNME at this link
The TUH Leadership Academy includes a number of programmes to support our staff to develop their leadership skills including formal Coaching and Mentoring programmes and a range of leadership development programmes.
TUH invests significantly in staff to avail of education and training programmes in a range of Higher Education Institutes including our academic partner Trinity College Dublin as well as conferences and short programmes. Click here to view prospectus Employment, Equality & Diversity Policy The Hospital strives to create a supportive environment in which all employees can flourish and reach their full potential, regardless of differences, experiences or education. Harnessing the wide range of perspectives, this diversity promotes innovation and helps make the Hospital more creative and effective. This is a link to our policy for same. Onboarding in TUH
TUH as an employer of best practice ensures that all new, promoted, transferred, seconded staff and work experience learners receive an appropriate mandatory programme of induction to the Hospital.
All new staff have access to the TUH onboarding hub, OnBoard@TUH, to help them to get to know the Hospital, its services and the locality. The Hub can be accessed on computer, smart phone or tablet from eight weeks before new staff start in post.
Career Development Services
Our staff can access our CareerDevelopment@TUH Hub to guide and support them in developing their careers in the Hospital.
Staff can explore various job profiles, the TUH Competency Framework, the range of education and training programmes available and news updates.
A Self-Assessment Tool helps our staff to identify their own career development needs and make a plan to achieve these. The Hub is accessible to staff on their computer, smartphone or tablet.
The Centre for Learning & Development (CLD) at TUH takes an interdisciplinary approach to provide a variety of programmes and training to the Hospital community. These include staff development opportunities, teaching technologies, student preparation for university courses and expert advice on teaching and learning. We provide leadership in learning and development opportunities that support the priorities of TUH and its overall human resource management strategies. In partnership with the Hospital’s academic partner, Trinity College Dublin, the Centre promotes employee and Organisational effectiveness. The committed teaching team in the CLD has maintained a climate of caring, excellence and quality and has fostered a culture of lifelong learning among staff working within the Hospital and surrounding community. The team assists the Head of Learning & Development in planning and implementing continuing professional development programmes that reflect the philosophy, vision, mission and ethos unique to TUH. These programmes are designed to be comprehensive, relevant and flexible and to respond to the most recent changes in national and international health care policy and legislation. An interagency partnership approach to programme provision is ensured by collaboration with the Learning & Development Committee, which provides a forum for stakeholders to participate in promoting multidisciplinary learning and maximising resources by facilitating cross-divisional and interagency programmes
Transition Year Webinar SeriesThe Centre for Learning & Development provides six two hour Webinars for students to explore the following career pathways: Children’s, Adult & Mental Health Nursing, Clinical Engineering, Clinical Nutrition, Finance, Health Care Assistant, Hospital Administration, ICT, Laboratory Science, Medicine, Medical Physics, Occupational Therapy, Pastoral Care, Patient Food Services, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Portering, Social Work and Supplies Departments. Transition Year Coordinators please email ty@tuh.ie for further information Work Placement for Post Leaving Certificate Students The Hospital offers a limited number of short, unpaid Work Experience placements only for post Leaving Certificate Students who require this as part of their education programme subject to availability.
Successful applicants must be Garda vetted by the Hospital, complete a range of education and training programmes and provide a copy of their Higher Education Institute’s insurance letter before starting the work experience placement. Confirmation of the student’s vaccination status may also be required for some placements. Click on this link to download the application form.
Medical Students requesting clinical elective placements: For information click on this link
Nursing Students requesting nursing elective placements: Please contact studentallocations@tuh.ie
The Centre for Learning & Development offers a range of contemporary, state of the art facilities to staff including a large capacity Lecture Theatre, classrooms, clinical skills rooms, conference suites, ICT Training and eLearning suites and Simulation Based Education.
We have expertise in providing high quality learning and development opportunities in the digital space including the development of ‘in house’ TUH eLearning content.
A Learning Lounge is available for staff to undertake eLearning on their own laptop, tablet or smart phone.
Metronaps EnergyPod
Staff wellbeing is a priority here in TUH and to support this a Metronaps EnergyPod has been installed in the CLD. This allows staff access to undisturbed power napping in the busy hospital environment. The Metronaps EnergyPod is designed especially for power napping in the workplace and is the first of its kind in the world. The benefits of power napping have been well documented. Research has demonstrated that a short nap of just 20 minutes improves cognition, mental acuity, and mood and in the long term has been shown to reduce stress and significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
Disclaimer for the Provision of Education/Training by the Centre for Learning & Development at Tallaght University Hospital Disclaimer for the Provision of Education/Training by the Centre for Learning & Development at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH).
Attendance and/or participation in programmes which are provided by, or on behalf of, Centre for Learning & Development (CLD) at TUH is subject to the following terms and conditions: Programmes are developed solely for the purposes of TUH requirements in the interests of protecting and improving the health of the public in respect of the knowledge and training of nurses, midwives and other employees of a healthcare provider who are engaged in a healthcare environment (whether public and/or private).
In light of these purposes, programmes are intended to provide educational information to aid and augment an understanding of the theoretical subject matter presented and/ or the practical application of certain skills and competencies.
It is the individual responsibility of each practitioner to assess and maintain his/her own competence in respect of any situation and to assess the limitations of his/ her competence. Programmes are not intended to affect, interfere with or limit a person’s individual responsibility to practice safely and effectively within his/ her scope of practice and in accordance with any local policies, guidelines and/ or protocols which may exist.
The TUH shall have no liability, whether in (a) contract, (b) tort, (c) statute or (d) otherwise, for any injury, loss, damage or claim arising out of, or in connection with, any person’s attendance and/ or participation in programmes including but not limited to the subject matter thereof and/ or arising out of the use of any handbooks, guidance notes, other documentation, oral presentations/ demonstrations, web-based learning tools or any other instruction or materials provided as part of the programme (the “Materials”), howsoever arising.
Any Materials provided by TUH as part of their programmes are provided for information and guidance purposes only. TUH makes no representation assurance, warranty or guarantee of any kind whatsoever in relation to the Materials. The provision of the Materials is without prejudice to the obligation of persons attending and/ or participating in this programme to continually develop themselves as professionals, where applicable. If and to the extent that any provision in this Disclaimer is held to be unenforceable, illegal or void in whole or in part, it will to that extent be deemed not to form part of this Disclaimer and the enforceability, legality and validity of the remainder of this Disclaimer will not be affected.
Nothing in this Disclaimer shall limit or exclude the liability of the TUH in a manner which is prohibited by law.
This Disclaimer shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Irish Law.
These terms and conditions are without prejudice to the operation of the Clinical Indemnity Scheme and the professional responsibilities of any persons attending and/or participating in programmes. 
How to Find Us The CLD is situated on the Hospital campus in southwest Dublin and is easily accessible by car, bus or Luas. It is close to the M50 motorway and the N81 By car via the M50: Travel south on the M50 and exit at junction 11. Follow the signs for Tallaght. You are now travelling on the N81. Continue straight on this road for approximately 1km through the roundabouts and traffic lights. The landmarks that you pass on the right include the Plaza Hotel and the Square Shopping Centre, and on your left, a public park. The right-hand turn for the Hospital is signposted shortly after you pass these landmarks. The Hospital is clearly marked from here. It is the third turn on your right. You will then see the Hospital entrance on your left. By Bus Refer to www.dublinbus.ie for details of bus services 
By Luas The CLD is accessible through the red line on the Luas www.luas.ie The Hospital is beside the second last stop on this line, aptly named, "Hospital". The CLD is located at the very end of Hospital Street.
 Hospital map A interactive Google map of the Hospital is available by clicking this link
