Patient Information Inpatient Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Service
Your orthopaedic physiotherapy team will be there to support you throughout your hospital stay and maximise your recovery.
Conditions in which physiotherapy may be beneficial include:
- Hip Replacement
- Knee Replacement
- Spinal Surgery
- Ankle Surgery
- Lower Limb Fractures
- Upper Limb Fractures
- Spinal Fractures
- Pelvis / Acetabulum fractures
- Hip Fracture
Following individual assessment, your treatment may include:
- Exercises to improve Strength and Movement
- Mobility Practice
- Provision of Mobility Aids
- Brace Application
The aim of physiotherapy is to help you achieve optimal function.
- You will be encouraged to carry out your tailored programme independently with the support of your physiotherapist.
- Throughout your hospital stay, you and your family can expect to participate in treatment planning and goal setting with your physiotherapist.
Musculoskeletal OPD Service
In this department we offer a musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatient service to patients who have been referred by Tallaght University Hospital Consultants. We have a team of highly skilled physiotherapists who will provide assessment of your conditions.
Our specialties include the following:
- Back and Neck disorders
- Biomechanical Assessments
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Sports Injuries
- Muscle and Joint Pain (including arthritic conditions)
- Post-Fracture Rehabilitation
- Occupational Injuries
- Rehabilitation for Pelvic Floor Disorders
- Chronic Pain Management
At your initial appointment your physiotherapist will assess your individual needs to develop a treatment plan. This may include:
- Exercise
- Manual therapy
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Education and advice
We also offer a range of classes:
- Knee Class
- Back Exercise Classes
- Wrist Class
- Fibromyalgia Education Class
- Relaxation Class
- Chronic Pain Exercise Class
- Bladder information Class
Attendance policy
There is a lot of physiotherapy treatment time lost due to non-attendance for appointments. In order to improve the service to our patients and reduce the length of the waiting list, the Outpatient Physiotherapy Department has an attendance policy as follows:
- If cancelling an appointment, please give at least 24 hours’ notice. This enables us to offer this appointment time to another patient.
- If unable to reschedule an appointment at time of cancellation ensure that you have rescheduled your appointment within the following two weeks (10 working days). Failure to do so will result in you being discharged from the physiotherapy service.
- If you fail to attend any two appointments you will be discharged from physiotherapy.
Neurosciences Physiotherapy Service
The Neurosciences Physiotherapy Service specialises in providing rehabilitation services to patients with a variety of conditions that may cause decreased mobility and independence. The aim of treatment is to return the patient to optimal physical function through individual exercise programmes and appropriate mobility programmes. This may involve the prescription of mobility aids as deemed necessary by the physiotherapist. Patients are initially assessed on the wards, following referral from their consultant. They receive specialised rehabilitation on the wards or in the gym based on the needs of their condition. The neurology outpatient service is available only for persons with disorders of the nervous system. At times, a patient’s family/carer may be invited to participate in therapy.
Conditions in which physiotherapy may be beneficial include:
- Patients with General Medical Conditions
- Stroke
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Various other Neurological Conditions
Neurosciences Services:
- Inpatients Rehabilitation
- Outpatient Rehabilitation
- Early Supported Discharge (ESD)
- Parkinson’s Class
- Multiple Sclerosis Class
- Day Hospital Rehabilitation (for patients over 65 years)
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
Respiratory Physiotherapy
Respiratory Physiotherapists are specially trained in the management of problems associated with heart and lung conditions such as breathlessness, difficulty clearing phlegm and reduced exercise tolerance.
Conditions in which respiratory physiotherapy may be beneficial include:
- Bronchiectasis
- Chronic Bronchitis / Recurrent chest infections
- Asthma
- Lung Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Post-operative conditions
Following individual assessment, your treatment may include:
- Breathing exercises
- Manual techniques to help loosen secretions
- Positioning to help clear your chest
- Airway clearance techniques
- Specific exercise
- Mobility practice and provision of mobility aids if appropriate
- Advice and education
Respiratory outpatient programmes include;
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- Oxygen review clinics
- Bronchiectasis clinic
- COPD Outreach
Paediatric Physiotherapy
We provide inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy services to children attending the National Children’s Hospital. Our aim is to enable children to reach their full potential through the use of age appropriate therapeutic exercise, functional training activities and developmental play programmes. Clinical specialities include:
Respiratory care: Managing symptoms associated with acute and chronic lung disease such as shortness of breath, increased coughing, clearing of secretions and reduced exercise tolerance for the following conditions:
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Bronchiectasis
- Asthma
- Pneumonia
- Degenerative neuromuscular disease
Orthopaedics: Assisting patients to achieve normal strength and function through exercise for conditions such as:
- Muscle and ligament injuries
- Patellar dislocation
- Joint pain
- Rheumatology
- Perthes' disease
- Hypermobility
- Torticollis
Neurosciences: Involves optimisation of function for children with movement or balance impairment, or weakness as a result of the following:
- Infections in the brain such as meningitis and encephalitis
- Neuromuscular disease
- Developmental delay
- Dyspraxia & Developmental Co-ordination Disorders
Endocrine Service: Physiotherapists work closely with dieticians, nurses and psychologists to improve health and quality of life for children with endocrine disorders by providing exercise prescription and advice. Conditions which may benefit from this input are:
- Turners Syndrome
- Prader Willi Syndrome
- Obesity