Gender Pay Gap Report
The gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of men and women across a workforce. The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 requires organisations to report on their hourly gender pay gap across a range of metrics. Organisations with over 250 employees are were asked to report on their gender pay gap for the first time in 2022. This is a link to the 2024 TUH Gender Pay Gap Report.
Nursing Strategy 2022-2027
This strategy document underpins the vision and objectives of the overall hospital strategy. This strategy is timely, launched in a period of healthcare which serves to remind us of the central role that the nursing profession play in the provision of the health service. Nursing, including Health Care Assistant colleagues, is the largest component of the TUH workforce, integral to the majority of services and whose core values are to care for patients and families with compassion, commitment and clinical expertise 24/7. The strategic plan provides the direction to continue making TUH an employer of choice and to nurture leadership across the nursing service, a full copy of the strategy can be found via this link.
Quality Risk & Safety Management Strategy
The strategy focusses on specific quality goals that are central to achieving excellence in healthcare. We are committed to the delivery of effective, safe, person centred care by highly trained and motivated staff as enshrined in our CARE values of Collaboration, Achievement, Respect and Equity. This QSRM strategy outlines how we will develop our people and strengthen our quality in order to deliver the best care to our patients. You can read a copy of the strategy via this link.
TUH Research Strategy
There is an important link between research and innovation and the Hospital works hard to be at the forefront of translational research that adds value to patient care. The five year strategy will encourage and foster hospital led creativity and innovation supporting the overall hospital strategy published in December 2019. The strategy identifies five priority areas with key targets set for delivering each element of the strategy. A full copy of the strategy can be accessed via this link.
TUH Strategy 2019
People Caring for People to Live Better Lives” - is the latest five year blueprint for the development of patient-focused services that recognises both the importance of the patient and the people involved in treating and caring for them within the Hospital setting and beyond. The new strategic plan commits to addressing six areas of strategic priority over the next five years including: Good Access, Highly Integrated Care, Enhanced Infrastructure, Digital Enablement, Research & Innovation and People. You can read the document via this link.
Update on Implementation of HIQA Recommendations
HIQA carried out an unannounced inspection of TUH against the National Standards for the Prevention & Control of Healthcare Associated infections in December 2020. The Deputy CEO and members of the Infection Prevention & Control Committee along with other relevant stakeholders have developed a quality improvement plan to address the issues identified. A total of 97% of the actions have been completed. Work ongoing for the remaining 3%, with the aim to have these completed by the end of 2021. The Quality Improvement Plan implemented following this visit can be access through this link.
Tallaght University Hospital Quality Report 2017
The 2017 report highlights some of the key services, initiatives and achievements which staff in the Hospital have undertaken under the three pillars of Quality, Safety & Risk Management (QSRM).
Delivering quality, safety and driving quality improvements is the responsibility of all staff. TUH also has a separate QSRM Directorate, which is specifically devoted to these areas. This is supported by the QSRM Executive and the QSRM Board Committees as well as a range of relevant policies and procedures to drive a consistently high standard of care. Importantly, all of this is underpinned by a supportive, open and learning culture. A fully copy of the report can be accessed through this link.
Tallaght University Hospital Quality Report 2016
The 2016 Quality Report highlights the Hospitals commitment to providing patients with the highest possible standards of care across three key areas: Quality, Safety and Risk Management. As part of its patient-centred culture, staff at Tallaght Hospital are committed to the development of initiatives which not only ensure the delivery of consistently high quality service but also potential improvements to services. Underpinning the Hospital’s supportive, open and learning culture, staff are actively encouraged to voice any concerns and flag potential risks where appropriate. A fully copy of the report can be accessed through this link.
Tallaght University Hospital Caring for the Future - Clinical Services Strategy 2016-2018
Tallaght Hospitals three year Clinical Services Strategy, outlines service development priorities aimed at achieving improving health outcomes for the patients the hospital serves for the next three years. The Strategy focuses on how the Hospital can best contribute as part of the Dublin Midland’s Hospital Group and the Children’s Hospital Group. The report can be accessed through this link
Tallaght University Hospital Patient Survey Programme 2016 - January 2016
As part of its longstanding commitment to patient advocacy and ensuring a high quality patient experience, Tallaght Hospital undertook a Volunteer-Led Patient Survey Programme involving extensive patient surveys of inpatients and outpatients in 2015 to gather patient feedback and use it to improve services. This is a copy of the Patient Survey Programme published January 20th 2016.
Tallaght University Hospital Quality Report 2015
Tallaght Hospital has released its 2015 Quality Report which for the first time ever is separate from the Annual Report, highlighting the importance the Hospital places on quality assurance and improvement. This focus is aligned with both the Hospital’s ‘People Caring For People’ ethos and its ‘Zero Harm’ policy.
The report outlines some of the key services, initiatives and achievements which staff at Tallaght Hospital have undertaken in 2015 under the three pillars of Quality, Safety and Risk Management. It shows the value the Hospital places on having a patient-centred culture and how staff are encouraged to highlight incidents, raise concerns and escalate risks where appropriate. This is the true essence of a high quality learning healthcare provider such as Tallaght Hospital. A fully copy of the report can be accessed through this link.
Tallaght University Hospital Quality Improvement Plans - Infection Prevention Control
On December 2nd 2015, HIQA published a report with a series of findings and recommendations following an unannounced inspection on September 23rd to assess the hospital’s progress against the National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Acquired Infections. Since the visit, an infection control quality improvement group has been established to develop and implement a quality improvement plan to address the issues above. This table summarises the progress which has been made against this plan.
In September 2015, HIQA carried out an unannounced inspection of Tallaght Hospital in relation to our compliance with national standards for infection prevention and control. A number of recommendations were provided as part of this report. These formed the basis of a Quality Improvement Plan which can be found here.
Health Assets and Needs Assessment (HANA) Tallaght, - September 2015
Tallaght Hospital has committed to using the findings of a landmark report on community health in Tallaght over time to inform the future provision of its services as part of it wider community engagement strategy. HANA was co funded by the Adelaide Health Foundation and Tallaght Hospital, surveyed 343 households to capture the views of the residents on key health issues including mental health, chronic illnesses as well as access to, and use of, health services. You can access the report through this link.
Empeira Report - July 2015
Good governance is an important driver of good management, good performance, good stewardship of public funds, good public engagement and ultimately good outcomes for patients. Governance is an ongoing process which requires constant focus. The approach being taken in Tallaght Hospital involves robust systems and processes, ongoing vigilance and an open proactive learning culture. Towards the end of 2014, the Board adopted a comprehensive Code of Governance Manual which incorporated current best practice in corporate governance and published it on the Hospital website. It also adopted new bye-laws which provided for a staggered turnover among Board members and a limit on the time a person can serve on the Board (both of which accord with current best practice) as well as an increase from 9 to 11 in the size of the Board. In early January 2015, and again in line with best practice, the Hospital Board engaged Emperia to help it undertake an externally facilitated review of its own effectiveness. Emperia’s report was considered by the Board at its meeting of July 29th. The review confirms that overall the Board is working well but that it now needs to focus more on strategy and communications. To read the report click here
HIQA Implementation Progress Report June 2015
TUH published the 2015 Implementation Report on the 2012 Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) report into the quality, safety and governance of care provided to acute patients admitted to Tallaght Hospital. Of the 76 recommendations in the 2012 HIQA Report, 48 recommendations (five local and 43 national) are required to be implemented by Tallaght Hospital and are the focus of this update. Seven recommendations related specifically to Tallaght Hospital – five of which are the responsibility of the Hospital.
Many of these HIQA recommendations are now incorporated into the normal working of the hospital’s governance, leadership, management and clinical processes; with implementation of the remaining recommendations underway. A full copy of the report is available here